Friday 4 August 2017

The Hunt for Uncle Tetsu's

Selamat petang!

After Solat Jumaat, we go to Dhahran Mall to grab world famous cheese cake, Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake, which has just landed in the city. Kena pegi awal, Ever since Uncle Tetsu's opened in last month, I had been hearing lots about this Japanese cheesecake shop and how there are always, continuously, constantly, and regular long line-ups in which to buy their infamous Japanese cheesecakes. 

Lines-up punya pnjg masa awal2 pembukaan @ Dhahran Mall
Dah sampai Dhahran Mall, tgk dekat Uncle Tetsu's shop tak ramai org lg. Masuk je kedai, dah bau dah cheesecake, sedap sangat baunya. So, cepat2 grab one box dan bayar. They only make about a dozen cheesecakes in 15 minutes (depending on if all of them pass their quality test) and thus have the long-standing rule that each customer in line can only buy two cheesecakes at a time.  

Packaging pun menarik tertarik 

Dah dapat cheesecake trus ajak husband balik..haha Dhahran Mall tu dahla satu jam dari Jubail. Beli tak sampai 10 minit dah ajak balik..sbnrnya tak sabar nak makan cheesecake tu. Tapi pusing sekejap dalam mall, then pegi coffee shop beli hot chocolate. Igt nak makan cheesecake dalam kete sambil hirup hot chocolate...mat saleh gitu. 

On the way back home, we tried the cheesecake. Ahh!  I was excited.  It was 6 inch of cheesecake and a little on the small size (when you compare it to normal-sized cakes). Kecik jgk, harga boleh tahan.  At SAR29 for a 6" cheesecake, it's pretty light on the pocket. It was really soft when cutting itThe texture of it is  very, very soft and fluffy also not very cheesy at all.  It was a bit smooth and I could definitely taste the quality in the cake. Now I could see what people mean when they say that Uncle Tetsu’s cheesecake is very light and fluffy - tasted like a cloud!

Fluffy, Syok nak potong2. haha
Sekali sekala nak merasa. Kat Malaysia ada jugak, tapi tak pernah pegi pn. Harini sbb teringin nak mkn cheesecake. 

Uncle Tetsu's Shop at Dhahran Mall  | Open Hours: 9AM-11PM

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