Friday 23 February 2018

The Caffe Bene

Annyeong Haseyo or Hello everyone!

Today, I'd like to sit and sip, forget a little world a bit, ignore the things I have to do, and enjoy a cup  of coffee with my dearest husband 💗. Besides, it is Friday!

Well, I am not a coffee lover.. tapi, saje nak jalan2 hujung minggu ni. Dah lama tak pegi Dhahran Mall. Bukan nak shopping pun, ntah la takde apa aktiviti sgt nak buat kt rumah, ajaklah husband dating jap. Dulu time bercinta boleh dating, takkan dh kawin nak duk rumah je kot kan? hihi 

Located at Dhahran, the first outlet of Caffe Bene is right next to the Gate 10. Korean influence seems to grow stronger in Saudi Arabia. Now, I am here to check out its food menu! Similar to its franchises in Korea, Caffe Bene serves coffee made from the world's best seasonally harvested fresh coffee beans to ensure you enjoy a truly exceptional cup of coffee. Here it practices a order-and-pay-first concept, where diners can pick their favourites from the menu displayed on the wall at the counter. With its woodsy décor, ample sunlight, vines on the walls and cyan cushions, Caffe Bene is a cafe in a makeshift forest.
Santai je decor
The standard waiting time here is about 15-20 minutes, depending on the crowd. As soon as your food is ready, the rounded plate will light up and vibrate, indicating that you should head to the food collection counter.

Ni la benda bulat tu... well, ada VAT 5% (GST cm Malaysia gak) baru je mula baru-baru ni..hmm
We ordered Hot Latte, and 1 slice of Choco Peanut Butter Cake. The cake was too sweet (for me), tak rasa sgt pun peanut butter, more to caramel je. But, it just nice la dgn latte panas2 tu. Jangan bg anak-anak makan, nanti hyperactive lak terlebih gula. haha!

Hirup Hot Latte dgn makan cake di cuaca yg sejuk2 gitu.. nikmat
For me, suasana di Caffee Bene menarik jugak. I love the way they decor this place. Sgt cosy environment with vintage European style and décor dan boleh chit-chat lama2. Tak crowded sgt, tp customer lebih ramai and suka duduk kt open area dekat dgn kolam buatan di situ. Itupun bila musim dingin mcm skrg ni lah. So, susah sikit nak dapat tempat area situ. Musim panas berebut nak duduk dalam pulak. Begitulah keadaannya, macam-macam...hihi

FYI, selain teh, org Saudi suka minum kopi jgk... byk coffee shop kt mall, drive thru di sini. Semua nak sama je gn gn Mat Saleh. Kalau korang penah g Korea, keadaannya pun sama gak. Korean pun suka minum kopi. Budaya suka minum kopi dah di bawa oleh Amerika. hahahhaha

Boleh cuba datang dan rasa keenakan kopi di Caffee Bene ni.


Caffee Bene Shop 
Mall of Dahran
No. E132A, Dhahran Street, Prince Faisal Bin Fahad Al Qishleh Intersection


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