Wednesday 3 February 2016

Husband-Wife Decision Making

The wife's wrote:

Remember these past 2 days that my husband has accepted an offer from M***? The offer was too good to pass up. However, there was one problem. What about me? 

Well, we have discussed about it yesterday.
My husband need to know that I'm behind him when he's making choices for the both of us

How my husband convince me?
I let my husband express his opinions, concerns, and ideas about his plan. This process can help me develop a mutually-agreeable plan and then support his need for ongoing success. 

It was all planned out.
There was a lot to consider. First of all we have to decide how many years we want to spend in Saudi Arabia. 3 years? 10 years? Is it was long enough to see the country, visit neighbouring countries, and save up money?

Quit Job.
According to Saudi Law, womens are NOT allowed to work if living there as part of their husband’s visa. So, I have to quit my job in order to follow my husband.

Rent out the house
Then, we decided to rent out the house instead of selling it and have someone to take care of our furniture while we were away. ''kena cari penyewa yg lembut2 lah, tak rosak brg umah aku". That way we would return to our life when we came back.

Selling Cars
We need to sell 2 out of 3 cars that we have. "simpan satu yg dh nak abes byr". 

My husband need to pay all my commitments with bank. Because, I will be unemployed for a very long time. "hehe..tak byk pun". 

InsyaAllah, dipermudahkan :)


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Hi! We are Husband & Wife, creator of this website. We was born in Malaysia. We’ve been traveling the world since 2012 and created this website just to share our experience and memorable moment. We were never a big traveler.
It’s time to stop dreaming of travel, take that once in a lifetime trip, and start traveling cheaper, better, and smarter.


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