Monday 1 February 2016

The day just arrived!

The husband's wrote:

This is it! Today is my face to face interview (2nd interview) with Saudi Arabia Company. The M***. Again! I've got butterflies in my stomach. At 10.20 am, starts the engine and drove to JW Marriot Hotel, Kuala Lumpur where the interview was conducted. Need to go earlier to avoid traffic jammed. "taula kan KL punya traffic jammed pagi2". My interview's schedule was at 1.45pm to 2.20pm. Reached JW Marriot at 11.06 am. It's too early, and I've met a few candidates from morning session which is came for an instrument engineer position. "diorg ni ada dtg dr TNB, Aker Solutions, Petronas dll."

Image from google

At 12.30 pm, the morning session interviews already done. The candidates are waiting for the results. As far as I know, M*** will give the offer letter to the successful candidates on the spot. From 7 candidates, there are 4 who is successful in these interview (for morning session). But, not all accept the offer. Some of them reject the offer due to some reasons. "mungkin sbb low pay offer atau tak meet diorg punya exepectations".

At 2.30 pm, the afternoon session has started. I am the first candidates to be interviewed in the afternoon session. There are 3 interviewer, one of them is Mr. Franck (represent Jerry Varghese company) from France. He introduced the company background and told that they have 4 years balance JV with M****** and M***. But, they already applied 8 years extension with these 2 companies. "Kalo ada rezeki boleh la duk Arab Saudi 12 tahun, InsyaAllah". Overall, the interview went well. They want to know what are my 5 years and 10 years goal in the future. 

At 5.50 pm the results session begin and guess what?? ALHAMDULILLAH! I'VE GOT AN OFFER!! But, the salary did not meet my expectation. The benefits was okay. They gave me a family package "sng nak bawak keluarga", inclusive of A+ coverage, tuition fee for 2 childrens, return flight to hometown, 22 days annual vacation and other normal benefits. I told them, the salary was too low and I'm trying to negotiate with them. At 6.15pm I was then asked to wait outside, to allow them to discuss about it.

At 6.22 pm, they called me and offer the salary which is higher than before. ACCEPT & SIGN! "aku pn terus je la sign, tak ckp byk dah..hehe ALHAMDULILLAH. 

I am expected to report duty on 15 MAC 2016. But, it depends on approval of my VISA application. Maybe it takes 2 months from today. 

Yanbu, here I come!! :)

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