Monday 25 January 2016

Throwback 2013!

These past 3 years certainly created a lot of memorable moments that we will forever remember, or at least for a very long time.  These memorable moments are not all positive.  Some came from “negative” experiences, but even these negative moments had something that made them as memorable as they are. We're taking a look back at the most notable events of 2013.

March 23rd 
Our big day! Officially Husband & Wife :)
"Belanja Sikit Gambar Kahwin"

June 17th - 24th/25th 
 The wife wrote: When I was in college, I was so obsessed with K-Pop, Korean TV series and movies that my mom once told me that I’d probably get married to a Korean. (Masin mulut mak, dpt la menantu ala2 Korean - Chinese look pn ok what?, muahaha)
The husband wrote: Our dream to go to K-Pop country finally came true!  Honeymoon to Seoul & Jeju Island, South Korea. Here, We’ve rounded up some travel tips for first-time tourists in Seoul for a successful budget trip to K-Pop country.
"Bukti, kome dah ke Korea"

Travel tips!
1- Don’t be ambitious with your itinerary 
Trust us on this. After 9 days in Korea with each day having an average of 3 destinations/activities squeezed in, we never felt so exhausted in our entire life. We know you want to make the most out of your Seoul trip, but we're telling you, you’ll want to be a smart traveler by NOT following every schedule of activities in our ambitious itinerary. "korg klik link to utk view itinerary ktorg di Korea".

2. The Subway will be your bff
Every place is conveniently reachable by their subway. I recommend that you print out the subway mapor. "map tu mungkin mengelirukan anda, tp percayalah, lepas study betul2, tak keliru pun okay...korg akan rasa kagum. Bertingkat-tingkat subway diorg bawah tanah tu. Malaysia ptt buat mcm ni, takla jammed tak tentu psl dengan kete bagai. Ye dok??" You’ll realize how much of a genius its planner is when you experience it. :) Another thing, most subway stations are just a few blocks away from each other, just walk if you don’t mind stretching your legs and doing more sightseeing. "Dalam subway ni, korg akan tgk Korean ni membaca je. Tak kira la baca buku apa, janji baca. Camtu la kot diorg nak abeskan masa dalam train. Bagus sungguh..."

Subway Metro Map

Nampak tak? Membaca dlm train menjadi satu budaya di Korea

3. Research you destinations
If you can see in our itinerary, we included the directions for every destination: which subway lines to take and which exit number to get out of. Take the wrong exit and you’re gonna waste a lot of time trying to find the place you want to go to. Korea has a very detailed website for how to get to tourist destinations by bus or subway. But we highly suggest you take the subway when going around the city. Signages in Korea have english translations so don’t worry if you don’t know how to read Korean. Make sure the place you want to go to still exists or is open. "sebelum pegi, ktorg research & buka blog traveller2 yg pernah ke Korea, dari situ ktorg senaraikan tempat2, jarak perjalanan dll."

Persembahan diraja di Istana Lama. Mcm ni la kot entertainment dolu2
4. Get a Hostel/Apartment/ Hotel Near Subway Stations
See that Line 1 in blue in the subway map? That’s the main subway line that is connected to almost every other subway line. Moreover, you can easily get to the main tourists spots such as Myeongdong, Seoul station, Gyeongbokgung Palace(Gwanghwamun), Insadong, etc.

Guesthouse yg comel. Mcm dlm drama Korea tuu..haha (di Jeju Island)

Check-in at Robero Hotel. Booking thru Agoda. Time ni ktorg bertuah, dapat bilik super besar dgn harga murah!
5. Don't exchange all your money at the airport
Foreign exchange centers are available in every busy corner especially in shopping areas, so don’t exchange all your money at the airport (you’ll get better rates in the city). Exchange money just enough for your train or bus ride to your hostel.
6. Get T-Money! 
The Korean T-Money is similar to Malaysia's Touch N Go card. You can get a T-Money card at the airport  and load more credit at convenience stores. This is the card that you will be flashing when riding the subway or buses or taxi around Seoul & Jeju Island. "taxi tak semua boleh guna T-Money, korg boleh tgk sticker T-Money di taxi tu maksudnya boleh guna. T-Money boleh jgk guna beli brg2 makanan di convenience store tau".
Cth T-Money Card
7. Get Connected Anywhere with wi-fi
From coffee shops, fast food restaurants, to the subway, your device will detect Wi-Fi hotspots. "Boleh dikatakan semua tempat/jalan ada wi-fi, tayah duk menangis tak dpt update blog/fb/twitter bagai..haha." Is Internet in Korea really that fast? Haha, YES IT IS!! :)  

8. NO English!
We have A LOT of funny No English moments in Korea. Asking locals for directions or what food they’re eating so you can order it too, is unavoidable especially when you’re in Korea. Majority don’t speak English so asking around can take a lot of time because of finding someone who can understand you and can talk to you. Don’t be surprised if they run away, it happens. HAHA! "punya la takut sbb tak pandai ckp omputih". Download korean translator apps or prepare a list of phrases in Korean that you can use when asking around. "sebelum pegi korang ptt tgk movie/drama Korea tau. Bagi lidah tu lembut sket.haha". You can also ask your hostel/hotel front desk (who understands english) to write down in Hangul the place you’re going to or the food you want to eat. You can also put photos of tourist destinations in your phone that you can show to people that you ask for directions from. "satu tempat yg Korean boleh ckp omputih adalah di bandar Itaewon. Situ ramai tourist melepak dan org Korea yg stok2 duk obersea, kaya-kaya sket dan boleh ckp omputih. Byk makanan HALAL boleh dpt even satu-satunya masjid di Seoul ada di situ."

8. Sorry, but you won't bump into your favorite Korean singers or actors
"Korg jgn mimpi di siang hari la nak jumpa retis-retis K-Pop nih. But you will see a lot of them in the city if they’re really famous at the moment, well not the real them, but in billboards or cardboard standups. muahaha
9. Set a budget for shopping
Night markets, malls, and shopping areas are included in our itinerary. Though we just wanted to check them out, it was hard to fight the temptation! If you’re a big fan of Korean cosmetics, better get ready for A LOT of shopping. Cosmetic shops are all over Seoul, you can even find them in subway stations! You won’t be able resist it."betul tak tipu, skin food bagai semua ada, murah pn murah. Patut la retis diorg lawa2 (plastic surgery) haha. Korg jgn terpedaya tgk dlm tv org Korea cantik2. Hakikatnya Melayu kita lagi cantik okehh".

Korea pn ada bazaar okay.. tp, bkn di atas, bawah tanah .. Lbh krg 1.5km. Amazing!

Cukup dulu sampai sini. If you guys would like to ask us anything, boleh je pm or e-mail ktorg di .Till Then!



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Know us

Hi! We are Husband & Wife, creator of this website. We was born in Malaysia. We’ve been traveling the world since 2012 and created this website just to share our experience and memorable moment. We were never a big traveler.
It’s time to stop dreaming of travel, take that once in a lifetime trip, and start traveling cheaper, better, and smarter.


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