Tuesday 26 January 2016

Throwback 2014! Part 2

2014, was our first annivesary. We've plan to go to Bandung to celebrate it. A lot of people asked why we chose Bandung instead of Bali for honeymoon. Well, "ikut sukalah, duit ktorg kan..grrr" Of course we have to consider about the food.. "Bandung ni byk makanan HALAL, Bali cam krg sket. Pastu, keterujaan wife yg nak shopping."(The Husband). This part I cannot resist! haha (The wife)

March 21st-23rd. 
Bukti kome dah ke Bandung

Bring along your money in both currencies (IDR & RM). Some shops accept both currencies. Cash is king. Credit cards are only accepted in larger shops, and some shops have different kind of card readers which unable to read Malaysian credit cards. Tipping is a commodity everywhere in Bandung. So best to keep some IDR1,000 notes with you."Kalo korg pegi dgn supir, tak perlu la nk bg, sebab supir dah siap2 provide dlm diorg punya pakej. Dkt sini korg akan tgk betapa gigihnya org2 Indonesia, sanggup bt apa saja utk dptkan duit. Bagi tip ni menjadi satu budaya bg diorg tak kira la kerja kecik ke besar ke". You will do a lot of walking (a lot!) at the factory outlets. So bring on your most comfortable walking shoes. High heels? That’s spell trouble. Bandung can get a bit chilly after 6pm (as low as 19 Celsius). A jacket or sweater is probably a good idea.

Seeing how they drive in Bandung might be a culture shock to you as everybody drive their own way in the traffic. It is definitely a good idea to leave the drivings to the driver (supir). At the airport, you will have your first taste of the road peddlers, selling everything from key-chains, souvenir pens, beads, t-shirts and other stuff. If you’re not buying (yet), just ignore them and avoid any eye contact. "Korg boleh tgk rakyat Indonesia ni jual brg di merata-rata tempat. sampai kt jlnraya pn diorg boleh jual. Diorg akan pujuk rayu kau. Kalo taknak beli, geleng kepala dan blahh, tayah la nk manis2 mulut sgt. Azab kau nanti.. haha dari tanak beli dah..terpaksa beli. Pastu dtg lak penjual yg len keliling ko. jenuh wehh. Pak Supir ktorg ada bg advise gak. Selalunya yg penjual yg mengekor ko tu jual mahal! Baik beli kat kedai. Yes, mmg betol!".

Since there’s a probability that you’ll do you shopping from early morning until night, hotel rooms would be used only for bathing and sleeping. So go for cheaper rooms. The best should be within the Factory Outlets (FO).
The FOs are everywhere in Bandung, so a proper transportation and tour guide definitely a must. The drivers can act as your local tour guide, as they are well-versed around Bandung, and all of them can speak and understand Bahasa Malaysia. "Tak perlu la uolls nak translate from Bahasa Malaysia to Bahasa Indonesia, Nanti jadi klakar..haha".

5 - FOOD
HALAL FOOD & Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are everywhere but no McDs. "Nasihat skit, jgn la beli makanan yg tepi2 jln, roda 3 ke ape kt tepi jln tu. Dikhuatiri skt perut".

The weather is cooler the higher you go up the mountain. But once you go near the craters, it’s hot as hell. Entering the volcanic park will cost you IDR35,000 per person. "Dgr cite harga dah naik skrg, Korang boleh tgk kt website tourism Indonesia". 
Tangkuban Perahu. Jgn lupa Pakai Mask tau.
Maaflah takleh blanja gambar byk2, sebab takde dlm laptop ni..heheh
If you guys would like to ask us anything, boleh je pm or e-mail ktorg di ordinary2awesome@gmail.com .Till Then!

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Hi! We are Husband & Wife, creator of this website. We was born in Malaysia. We’ve been traveling the world since 2012 and created this website just to share our experience and memorable moment. We were never a big traveler.
It’s time to stop dreaming of travel, take that once in a lifetime trip, and start traveling cheaper, better, and smarter.


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