Thursday 28 January 2016

Wake Up Call For Change

The husband's wrote:
For starters, I will try to be a bit more serious. My goal instead will be to highlight some issues within the profession that I feel deserve attention and to generate some discussion about what, if anything, can and should be done about these issues. I have noticed there are two stages of employee job satisfaction. 

1- loving a job 
I’ve met a few people over the years who love their job and would never consider doing something different.

2- Hating a job
This should be obvious for everyone. Hating a job is understandable. A bad boss, horrible working conditions, annoying co-workers, low pay, boring tasks. The list is endless of why people hate their job. Hating a job makes it easy for us to call it quits. You often hear of people who get disturbed with their life and make a drastic change. Because change needs to happen.  

One of the challenges of doing a lot of interviews is that inevitably I am asked different versions of the same questions over and over again.  Here is the list in chronological order and excitement moments of my interview journey...

10th October 2015
Open Interview
Company: MMC Corporation Berhad
Location: Wisma Budiman, Kuala Lumpur

At 7.08 am, I'm texting Mr. Azam (GM of one MMC Subsidiary) thru Whatsapp.
Me: “Salam, Tak jadi panel interview MMC hari ni ke? Hari ni MMC bt open walk in.  
Mr. Azam : “Taklah… want to get my pmp baru nak test market J You pergilah, tambah network”.  
(Dgn semangat yg tak seberapa, pergilah juga open interview ni. Mmg niat taknak sgt pun tp just nak kenal2 org je)

As I'm reached MMC's parking lot around 9.50 am, I saw about more than 50 cars already there. With a suit and tie "dengan penuh gayanya, sempat berselfie & Whatsapp Group Family, hihi".. and going straight to the lobby. My first impression was like.. "WOW! ramainya org nak keje. Takde keje ke skrg? atau ramai yg baru graduate?"  

Camni la gaya interview kt MMC.. haha hensem tak??

After make some observations, I've took the queue number & employment form and searching for an empty seat. "Nampak satu seat ni kosong dan terus duduk". I've started a conversation with a men besides me. His name is Ferol. "Boraklah dgn Ferol ni tadi tanya keje mana ect". He said, he just came back from Qatar Petroleum (QP) after several years working there. He suggested me to apply Kahramaa and Saygarl something like that.. Since that day, "aku pun dgn semangat berkobar-kobar apply syarikat2 ni". This is My Wake up call!. Btw, the interview went well. 

So I hope you take my experience as a wake up call for change.

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