Tuesday 26 January 2016

Throwback 2014! Part 1

Let's back in time. How about a couple of years. 2014...

7th September 2014
One day Singapore trip by car.

Bukti kome ke Singapore

sebelum pegi sana, tukar la duit dulu kan3, Menangis gak nk tkr duit nih

There are various ways to get to Singapore - by air, road, or sea. If you are entering Singapore from Malaysia by car like we did, there are a few things to be prepared before you enter.

1 - The journey from Kuala Lumpur to Tuas checkpoint usually takes about three and half hours if you stick to the speed limit and reasonable traffic conditions prevail. "Jgn la uolls pegi weekend or peak season. Jammed gilers!"

2 - At the Malaysian border your passport will be checked, which we found to be a quick and smooth process. You then drive across the bridge linking Malaysia to Singapore and get in line for immigration. There are signs warning of penalties for failure to follow the road rules, so be polite and wait your turn! "Jgn lupa Touch N Go korg ye. Nak kena byr tol gak tau!"

3 - You'll need to present your passport to immigration authorities from your car window, and first time visitors will need to park after they go through immigration to get an arrival card. (Even if you've got some cards from friends you need to stop here anyway to purchase your Autopass card.) You enter the immigration office, fill out your arrival card and an official will process your arrival. Be sure to grab a pile of arrival cards so you won't have to do this on your next visit.

4 - Next door to the immigration office is the VEP/Toll Pass office. You should bring your car insurance and registration details which are briefly looked at by officials, and fill out the form. When done, you present them to the staff at the cash register and pay $6SGD for the card (which is valid for seven years) and $4SGD for preloaded credit - $10SGD in total (you must have Singaporean currency for this).

5 - Top ups are easily made at any 7-11 and it is very important to note that you must have sufficient credit to pay the exiting tolls when leaving to avoid an "insufficient credit" administration fee. Each time you cross the Tuas border a $3.20SGD fee is incurred so even if you don't use the card while in Singapore you'll still need to top up before you leave to have enough credit to exit (and some more to enter again if you think you'll do the trip another time). Also remember when exiting that you MUST insert your Autopass card in the gate or you will be charged a hefty fine. Every weekend the levy to drive in the city is free, but during the weekdays it's an expensive $35SGD daily.

6 - The staff at both immigration and the VEP/Toll Pass office were incredibly helpful. They answered all of our questions and provided polite assistance.


7 - Once done the first time, the two steps of exiting the car to get arrival cards (remember to get a pile of extras for future trips!) and purchasing the Autopass card is avoided on further trips, cutting the travel time down by a good 20 minutes.

8 - Finally, before heading to the city, the Singaporean customs authorities do a final check inside the trunk of the car and the passenger cabin. Don’t forget to buckle up and have a safe trip to Singapore!
Kagum dengan Singapore, Negara yg bersih
Yg dibangga2kan oleh Singaporean
Masjid lama di Singapore. Cantik!

Air kelapa 2 biji RM10 lbh krg.. Mahai betoi!

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Hi! We are Husband & Wife, creator of this website. We was born in Malaysia. We’ve been traveling the world since 2012 and created this website just to share our experience and memorable moment. We were never a big traveler.
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